file | test-list-conway.c |
| Test executable source code for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life universe simulator.
file | test-list-generate-image.c |
| Test executble source code for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life image printer.
file | test-list-universe.c |
| Test executable source code for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life universe structure.
file | test-naive-conway.c |
| Test executable source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life universe simulator.
file | test-naive-generate-image.c |
| Test executble source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life image printer.
file | test-naive-loader.c |
| Test executable source code for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life loader.
file | test-naive-universe.c |
| Test executable source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life universe structure.