IN101 project on Conway's Game of Life
src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


file  app-list-conway.c
 Source code for an executable of a naive implementation of Conway's game of life.
file  app-list-loader.c
 Source code for an executable that reads a universe structure from a source text file and prints it to the console.
file  app-naive-conway.c
 Source code for an executable of a naive implementation of Conway's game of life.
file  app-naive-loader.c
 Source code for an executable that reads a universe structure from a source text file and prints it to the console.
file  linked_list_cell.c
 Source code for a linked list implementation.
file  list_conway.c
 Source code for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life simulator.
file  list_loader.c
 Source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life loader.
file  list_optionsparser.c
 Source file for an options parser for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life.
file  list_pbm_writer.c
 Source code for a linked list implementation of Conway's game of life ppm image printer.
file  list_universe.c
 Source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life universe structure.
file  naive_conway.c
 Source file for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life simulator.
file  naive_loader.c
 Source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life loader.
file  naive_optionsparser.c
 Source file for an options parser for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life.
file  naive_pbm_writer.c
 Source code for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life ppm image printer.
file  naive_universe.c
 Source file for a naive implementation of Conway's game of life universe structure.